Today Jamie is recovering after a fever last night, thus I am home "caring" for him (go Thomas the Tank Engine!).
I've made and frozen a tandoori-lentil-eggplant curry, and a pumpkin-lentil-balti one. Both tasty and easy to make courtesy of Patak's curry paste. We could eat some tonight, but after I've been surrounded by rich, garlicky curry smells all morning I think I would appreciate it more another time. They freeze well. We'll eat it with brown rice and Mission yoghurt and mint naam bread which is a new favourite. Yuuum.
Days like today are great for me to kind of stop and breathe. This 3 kid full-time work thing is go-go-go - weekdays are packed with work and exercise and driving people and clearing up, weekends are packed with kid's activities such as parties, judo grading, swimming lessons, bqqs, and other social events. I've noticed it's really been taking it's toll lately - I've been both a bit frenzied and fatigued.
Simple things like supermarket shopping, having time to garden, manage the family budget and do laundry are squeezed in. Of course here I have to make the obligatory disclaimer that this is the life I chose and the one that's making me happy, but it is all exhausting. I'm so glad we organised a weekly cleaner recently, even though it doesn't take long it's one less thing hanging over my head every weekend.
The upshot of being busy and trying to fit everything in, is of course, less sleep. Less sleep isn't really working for me either. In the last 7 or so months I've gained 4kg, yeah may not sound like much but it upsets me, particulary when it means needing bigger clothes sizes that i don't have or have any inclination to buy. this in turn has meant short-term attempts at restrictive diets, followed by inevitable pig-outs. Yo-yo, anyone? My mojo of the last year or so has kind of got waylaid.
It all seems to be sorting itself out in my head now - today - that I finally have some spaaaace for an hour or two to do this - to cook, to blog, to contemplate the world. Still tired of course (up with sick toddler) last night, but that's family life.
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