OK so, no one has actually asked me a question via this page, but these are questions I have been asked in last year or so...
How much exercise do you do? What sort?Currently I do (a minimum of, per week):
upper body weights sessions x 2
40 min runs x 2
30 min swims (freestyle) x 2
basketball game x 1
squash session x 1
and generally a couple of 30-40 min walks.
Ideally some physio for my knees, and some stretching, but I am slack about this. In fact, stupid about this.
Isn't that too much?No. If you don't believe me, check out
the physical activity guidelines for adults.
Especially Step 3 and Step 4:
Step 3 – Put together at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days.
Step 4 – If you can, also enjoy some regular, vigorous activity for extra health and fitness
This step does not replace Steps 1-3. Rather it adds an extra level for those who are able, and wish, to achieve greater health and fitness benefits.
How do you find the time? You work full-time and have 3 children.It's bloody difficult.
Fortunately Rob and I support each other in our exercise endeavours. Often, during the week I exercise really early in the morning or in the evening. There are sacrifices. I rarely get to watch TV, for example. Sometimes I miss out on time with the kids in the evening.
Where do you get your motivation?I don't. So I just do it anyway. I could wait my whole life for motivation. To be honest, sometimes, a lot of times, it's difficult to make myself get out there and do something. Like my 5.30am run this morning. As if anyone wants to get out of bed for that. But I always feel good afterwards.
Why are you vegetarian?So I can sleep at night. I don't like meat anyway, which makes it easy.